Hello Joomla users! We hope you’ve tried our Helix Ultimate 2 and found it amazing. It is so wonderful to see your feedback in the comment. However, we have also noticed that some of you have encountered several errors. Today, we are releasing an update to address those unwanted issues.

Plus, we are also updating SP Page Builder today. Please update both of these Joomla tools to their latest versions to enjoy the enhancements and fixes applied recently.

Helix Ultimate v2.0.1 Changelog

  • Improvement: Accessibility improved
  • Improvement: Header layout UI improved
  • Update: SCSS compiler updated
  • Fix: Blog detail page error
  • Fix: Contact Us error
  • Fix: Related articles are not visible in Joomla 4
  • Fix: Mega menu drop down UI fixed
  • Fix: Unexpected toaster appearance issue on hitting return key at any input field.
  • Fix: All known bugs fixed.

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SP Page Builder v3.7.13 Changelog

  • Fix: Database issue in J4
  • Fix: Joomla module addon issue

Please let us know your thoughts in the comment section below. Good luck.

Try SP Page Builder for FREE!Get SP Page Builder ProSupport on JED

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