Hola Joomla users! I am sure you’re already aware that we are making all our templates Joomla 4 compatible gradually. To provide you the latest functionalities of Joomla 4, Helix Ultimate, and SP Page Builder – we are constantly rolling out updates.

And today, some of your favorite Joomla templates are getting even better as we are serving you a freshly baked update of another batch of Joomla templates.

Today’s Batch of Updated Joomla Templates

If you didn’t find your favorite template in the previous batches, please check these templates today! These Joomla templates are not only getting Joomla 4 compatibility – but also the support of the latest Helix Ultimate, SP Page Builder, and fixes to all known bugs!

Let’s take a look at the list of updated Joomla templates and their changelog below.

Wimble – Multipurpose Joomla Template for Agencies & Corporate Firms

Wimble v2.0 Changelog:

  • Update: Latest version of Joomla 4 (v4.0.3)
  • Update: Latest version of Joomla 3 (v3.10.2)
  • Update: Latest version of Helix Ultimate v2.0.5
  • Update: Latest version of SP Page Builder v3.7.15
  • Fix: All known bugs

Download WimbleLive Demo

Fortune – Elderly Care and Old Age Home Template for Joomla

Fortune v2.0 Changelog:

  • Update: Latest version of Joomla 4 (v4.0.3)
  • Update: Latest version of Joomla 3 (v3.10.2)
  • Update: Latest version of Helix Ultimate v2.0.5
  • Update: Latest version of SP Page Builder v3.7.15
  • Fix: All known bugs

Download FortuneLive Demo

Dylan – Joomla Template for Athlete, Portfolio, and Sport

Dylan v2.0 Changelog:

  • Update: Latest version of Joomla 4 (v4.0.3)
  • Update: Latest version of Joomla 3 (v3.10.2)
  • Update: Latest version of Helix Ultimate v2.0.5
  • Update: Latest version of SP Page Builder v3.7.15
  • Fix: All known bugs

Download DylanLive Demo

Innovate – Joomla Technology Website Template

Innovate v2.0 Changelog:

  • Update: Latest version of Joomla 4 (v4.0.3)
  • Update: Latest version of Joomla 3 (v3.10.2)
  • Update: Latest version of Helix Ultimate v2.0.5
  • Update: Latest version of SP Page Builder v3.7.15
  • Fix: All known bugs

Download InnovateLive Demo

Edulif – Joomla Education Template with Powerful LMS Inside

Edulif v2.0 Changelog:

  • Update: Latest version of Joomla 4 (v4.0.3)
  • Update: Latest version of Joomla 3 (v3.10.2)
  • Update: Latest version of Helix Ultimate v2.0.5
  • Update: Latest version of SP Page Builder v3.7.15
  • Fix: All known bugs

Download EdulifLive Demo

Themis- Complete Law Firm Template for Lawyers and Attorneys

Themis v2.0 Changelog:

  • Update: Latest version of Joomla 4 (v4.0.3)
  • Update: Latest version of Joomla 3 (v3.10.2)
  • Update: Latest version of Helix Ultimate v2.0.5
  • Update: Latest version of SP Page Builder v3.7.15
  • Fix: All known bugs

Download ThemisLive Demo

If you’re using one of these Joomla templates, you’re in luck! Please update to the latest version to enjoy the fixes and enhancements. And if you didn’t, please have some patience. We will roll out another batch very soon. Let us know in the comments if we have missed the template you’re using. Also, keep an eye on our Blog to stay in the loop with our releases and updates.

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