
Our new updates are here. This week, we released multiple major updates: Joomla 4.2 support, PHP 8, new API for JA Social Feed plugin, JA Multilingual component, and JA Property template. Please check the details below:

JoomlArt Joomla 4 products updates

1. JA Social Feed plugin: Joomla 4, API updates

The JA Social Feed Plug-in imports content automatically from popular social media sites: Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Vimeo, Instagram, RSS, Pinterest, Flickr, and Crawlet and add to the Joomla or K2 category as articles.

Joomla social feed import extension

JA Social Feed version 1.5.0 changelog:

  • Updated for Joomla 4.2.0 compatibility
  • Update for the latest Joomla 3.10.x
  • Support PHP 8
  • Update the latest API for Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Youtube, and more.

Download Features Documentation

2. JA Multilingual component: Joomla 4, API updates

Free Joomla Multilanguage Translation Extension to easily, quick (just 5 steps), and free set up a Joomla multilingual site. The component helps to auto-translate the whole Joomla site for multiple languages on the fly. You can choose from Microsoft Azure Translator or Google Translate services.

Joomla multilingual extension

JA Multilingual version 1.2.0 changelog:

  • Updated for Joomla 4.2.0 compatibility
  • Update for the latest Joomla 3.10.x
  • Support PHP 8
  • Update the latest Microsoft Azure Translator and Google Translate services

Download Features Documentation

3. JA Property template: Joomla 4, PHP 8

Joomla property template for Joomla 4

JA Property version 2.0.0 changelog:

  • Updated for Joomla 4.2.0 compatibility
  • Update for the latest Joomla 3.10.x
  • Support PHP 8
  • Support the latest T4 Framework version

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Upgrade instructions:

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