
The new major version of T4 Framework is available for upgrade, which comes with the important updates as below:

  • New T4 BS5 Blank template for Bootstrap 5, more supported layouts, more bonus pages
  • Ready for Joomla 4 RC 1
  • Better Off-canvas menu
  • Multiple improvements and bug fixes

T4 Framework new features overview in action: 1-minute video

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1. T4 Blank BS5: New T4 Blank template for Bootstrap 5 and more

Bootstrap 5 has officially landed! The new major version includes many exciting features such as RTL support, brand new utility API, new off-canvas component, more components updated, new and updated forms, and many more. You can now enjoy all the amazing updates in the new version of T4 Framework. Find out more about the Bootstrap 5 stable version.

t4 joomla template framework supports Bootstrap 5

More layouts for Business, Corporate and Magazine

t4 joomla template framework multiple layouts support

More Bonus Pages: pricing, about us, blog grid and list layout, and all Joomla default pages

t4 joomla template framework bonus pages

2. Better Off-canvas Menu

T4 Framework supports multiple menu options: Joomla default dropdown menu, Megamenu and Off-canvas menu. The off-canvas menu is aimed to use for Mobile menu for better UI and user experience.

The new version of T4 Framework supports Drilldown effect for sub-menu. When user clicks on a sub-menu icon, the sub-menu items are displayed in the entire panel, instead of dropdown as usual.

t4 joomla template framework off-canvas-menu

3. Joomla 4 RC 1 ready

Joomla 4 is a huge upgrade version with numerous new feature, new framework, and a completely new admin interface and a reworked user experience. We’ve updated the T4 Framework to be fully compatible with the latest Joomla 4 version – Joomla 4 RC 1. You can try T4 framework with Joomla 4 to test out all.

t4 joomla template framework for Joomla 4

4. Improved author feature

Author feature was added in the previous release of T4 Framework version and we have improved it in this new version to visuallize the feature better. The demo pages are included in the quickstart package and with the new included Blog, Magazine layouts, you have a perfect starting point to build a news, blog or magazine website. The author features includes:

  • Author list page: List authors from one or multiple user groups
  • Author Detail page: Author avatar, author intro, social icons and the author’s article list in grid layout
  • Author block inside the article detail page

Joomla author feature

Steps to create author page: We have detailed instruction to create create author pages for a Joomla website, check it out

And more improvements, bug fixes

  • Improve style for footer layouts
  • Improve style for Advance search page
  • Missing style on Smart seach page
  • Improve style for Tags page
  • Improve style for Archived Article page
  • Contact page display not nice, need restyle page
  • Change lighlight action when hover link title
  • Author display not nice on article page
  • Ipad: Megamenu display error
  • Ipad: Restyle Footer section
  • Iphone/Ipad: Title too big
  • Ipad: Improve style for sidebar position
  • Update layout for Category page
  • Mobile: Improvement dropdown megamenu layout
  • Mobile: Somes improvement on homepage
  • Check Structured Data tool
  • Add more authors for Author listing page
  • Subcategories display not nice on Category list page
  • Image display error on Contact page

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