Good day, Joomla users! In our effort to empower you with the latest web trends and functionalities, we have been gradually updating all our Joomla templates with Joomla 4 compatibility. Not only that, along with Joomla 4 compatibility, you’ll also get to enjoy the latest Helix Ultimate and SP Page Builder with the updates. 

And today, as promised, we are bringing you another batch of updated Joomla templates so that your Joomla site can stay up to date and well ahead of the competition.   

Updated Batch Joomla Templates

If you still haven’t found the template you are using on your Joomla site in the previous batches, today might be your day! Please check these updated Joomla templates below.

The following Joomla templates got even better with Joomla 4 compatibility, power of the latest Helix Ultimate, SP Page builder, and fixes to all known bugs.

Have a look at the list of the updated templates and their changelog below.

Estate – Most Advanced Real Estate Joomla Template

Joomla Templates Updated

Estate v2.0 Changelog:

  • Update: Latest version of Joomla 4 (v4.0.3)
  • Update: Latest version of Joomla 3 (v3.10.2)
  • Update: Latest version of Helix Ultimate v2.0.5
  • Update: Latest version of SP Page Builder v3.7.15
  • Update: Latest version of SP Property v4.0.1
  • Fix: All known bugs

Download EstateLive Demo

Opus – Creative Agency Joomla Template

Joomla Templates Updated

Opus v2.0 Changelog:

  • Update: Latest version of Joomla 4 (v4.0.3)
  • Update: Latest version of Joomla 3 (v3.10.2)
  • Update: Latest version of Helix Ultimate v2.0.5
  • Update: Latest version of SP Page Builder v3.7.15
  • Fix: All known bugs

Download OpusLive Demo

Salon – Spa, Beauty Care Joomla Template

Joomla Templates Updated

Salon v2.0 Changelog:

  • Update: Latest version of Joomla 4 (v4.0.3)
  • Update: Latest version of Joomla 3 (v3.10.2)
  • Update: Latest version of Helix Ultimate v2.0.5
  • Update: Latest version of SP Page Builder v3.7.15
  • Fix: All known bugs

Download SalonLive Demo

Rental – Ultimate Rental Service Solution Joomla Template

Joomla Templates Updated

Rental v2.0 Changelog:

  • Update: Latest version of Joomla 4 (v4.0.3)
  • Update: Latest version of Joomla 3 (v3.10.2)
  • Update: Latest version of Helix Ultimate v2.0.5
  • Update: Latest version of SP Page Builder v3.7.15
  • Fix: All known bugs

Download RentalLive Demo

Stellar- Joomla Template For Creative Agency and Portfolio Sites

Joomla Templates Updated

Stellar v2.0 Changelog:

  • Update: Latest version of Joomla 4 (v4.0.3)
  • Update: Latest version of Joomla 3 (v3.10.2)
  • Update: Latest version of Helix Ultimate v2.0.5
  • Update: Latest version of SP Page Builder v3.7.15
  • Fix: All known bugs

Download StellarLive Demo

Fixter – Joomla Template for Home Maintenance and Handyman Service Websites

Updated Joomla Templates

Fixter v2.0 Changelog:

  • Update: Latest version of Joomla 4 (v4.0.3)
  • Update: Latest version of Joomla 3 (v3.10.2)
  • Update: Latest version of Helix Ultimate v2.0.5
  • Update: Latest version of SP Page Builder v3.7.15
  • Fix: All known bugs

Download FixterLive Demo

If you’ve found the Joomla template you’re using in today’s update, you’re in luck! Please update to the new version as soon as possible to enjoy the latest features and fixes. And if you didn’t, don’t be disheartened. We will be rolling out another batch very soon. Till then have some patience and keep your eyes on our Blog. 

Over to you. Let us know in the comments if we have missed your favorite template. 

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