Ad agencies play the most vital role when it comes to providing an effective advert for their client’s company. Most of the companies looking for a promising ad agency to promote themselves usually look up to the agency’s websites to find out the possibilities. And if you are the proud owner of such an agency and looking for a stylish website then we got your back!
Introducing you to our brand new Ad Agency layout bundle of SP Page Builder Pro that comes with a stunning and contemporary look to add an extra wing to your website to make it fly a bit higher!
Let’s dive in and find out what features this new layout bundle has to offer.
Noteworthy Features of Ad Agency
While you’re designing an agency website for yourself, your focus should be on showcasing your agency’s uniqueness and creativity. To help prospects move quickly from one page to the other, a proper responsive design and user-friendly interface go a long way. Ad Agency Layout was made keeping in mind all of such important aspects.
- Clean yet elegant design
- Eye soothing theme color
- Responsive Pages
- User-friendly interface
- Room to showcase your awards
- Smooth scrolling and navigation
What’s Inside the Ad Agency Layout Bundle?
Each page inside the Ad Agency layout bundle has been designed keeping in mind your agency’s reliability, reputation, and transparency. With all the features stated above, your website is sure to get your client’s attention among your competitors, that too, with just a few clicks!
Let’s go through the pages that this bundle has to offer:
- Home
- Services
- Service Details
- Portfolio
- Case Study
- Team
- About
- Awards
- Privacy Policy
- T&C
- Contact
Time to have a detailed look at each of these pages.

This layout bundle’s home page comes with a unique look that will help you display a glimpse of who you are, some of your significant clients and brands, a suitable quote that represents your work or company, noteworthy and important awards you have received, and multiple CTAs to convey your prospects the right impression of your agency that they are looking for.

The service page is the right spot to let your prospects know about the services you provide and also flaunt a little by displaying the recent projects that you are proud of. As your potential clients are most likely to scroll through this page you can also take this opportunity to display some of your significant awards.
Service Details

Your potential clients looking for a detailed look at what you can provide in terms of service might want to go through this page. Keeping that in mind, the service details page has been kept clean, simple, and easily accessible so that the user can focus entirely on its contents.

This page is all about showcasing and highlighting your working experiences so far through your favorite photos and giving your user a sneak peek at your special works. Decorate this page with beautiful snaps of the products and designs you are proud of and that you think will draw the attention of your clients.
Case Study

Want to tell the story of how your agency helped solve and overcome your prior clients’ challenges? To help you do so, the Case Study page comes separately in the Portfolio tab for you to tell your story with ease and flamboyance.

Proud of your company’s team members? Showcase the most creative assets of your company with the Team page of this layout bundle. As one of your most important pages, the Team page gives prospects an idea of who exactly they’ll be working with. This doesn’t only show you’re proud of your employees but also gives your potential clients an accessible face.

The About page that comes along with this bundle has been designed with a little extra effort to let you tell users your interesting and engaging stories using your cherished snaps. The well-placed CTA’s redirect to the contact page which provides scope to increase the chance to start interacting with your probable client.

The Awards page should showcase the recognition you’ve received for high performance and establish your competitive advantage. As much as it is important to let your prospective client know of your achievements, it is also important to keep the information clean and precise. This section allows you to do the task in style.
Privacy Policy

If you are collecting data from your users then it is essential to let your users know what type of personal data you need to collect from your user. Do it in style with the accordion sections that come with the Privacy Policy page of this layout bundle pack.

To help make your website look more professional we have introduced Terms and Conditions agreements (T&C) to set out exactly what you’ll offer your customers and what you expect from them in return.

Reflect on the simplicity and transparency of your company and work with this simple, convenient, and effective contact page. To have some detailed business conversations with your clients or to get your clients’ questions answered in a simple way this contact form was created for unobstructed communication.
How to Access & Import a Layout Bundle?
All of the SP Page Builder Pro users, upon configuring the license key, can access, explore, and import any layout bundle.
To get the latest layout bundle, you need to update SP Page Builder Pro to the latest version. To get a step-by-step guideline on how to access and import a layout bundle, please visit this documentation page.
Quick Tips
Have issues with loading the layout bundles? Go to the Administrator dashboard of your Joomla site. From the System tab on the top, select Clear Cache, and then clear the cache for the Administrator. Similarly, clear the cache for the Site as well. And, the layout bundles should show up without any trouble.
In this world of technology, a website plays a vital role in widening up the radius of your available market. But in such a competitive market, an ordinary website will not be enough to grab the required attention that you need. Ad Agency Bundle Layout was created after relentless effort and well thought from the users’ perspective. So grab yours today and give a new life to your website that it deserves!
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