
Our new updates are here. This week, we released multiple updates:

  • T4 Framework 2.2.4 updated for bug fixes
  • T4 Page Builder 2.0.4 updated for improvements and bug fixes
  • 40+ templates updated for Joomla 4.2.2

1. T4 Framework 2.2.4

JoomlArt Joomla template framework update


  • Joomla 4.2.2 support
  • Big fix: Disable set grid on author list page
  • Big fix: Restyle media field
  • Big fix: Remove source map files
  • Big fix: Update style for front-end edit.
  • Big fix: IcoMoon to Fontawesome Conversion
  • Big fix: [J4]: Update info user

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2. T4 Page builder 2.0.4

Joomla page builder update


  • Update block style
  • Add html5lightbox libs
  • Update gallery block style
  • Improve gallery style
  • Add default layout for T4 Pagebuilder
  • Bug fix: Update fixed load module bootstrap
  • Bug fix: Check attrbis exists
  • Bug fix: Fixed edit inline on Joomla 3
  • Bug fix: Update remove free version html5lightbox

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3. Joomla 4.2.2 updates

40 Joomla templates for Joomla 4

Upgrade instructions:

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