Howdy SP Page Builder users! Get ready to start your day with an ear-to-ear smile as we are here again with a brand-new update of your favorite Joomla page builder. As promised before, SP Page Builder 3.x is getting its own set of continuous updates to ensure our users’ maximum convenience.
This latest version of SP Page Builder 3 includes a new addition, significant updates to the existing addons, and a few noteworthy bug squashing. Take a look at the changelog below to find out what changes await you this time!
SP Page Builder Pro v3.8.9 Changelog:
- New: Added 4SEF extension compatibility
- Update: In Article addon, Modified Date added to the Options
- Update: In Video addon, Video Title field added for the YouTube link for better accessibility
- Fix: In Tabs and Accordion addons, the Form Builder addon’s email sending and selecting type do not work issue
- Fix: Carousel Pro addon abnormal behavior issue when window resized
SP Page Builder Lite v3.8.9 Changelog:
- New: Added 4SEF extension compatibility
4SEF Compatibility For SEF URLs
4SEF is an integrated solution for generating SEO-oriented SEF URLs for your Joomla website. It uses the same modern user interface that powers 4SEO and retains the same SEF URLs that sh404SEF produces but is re-packaged for some improved features.
And the good news is SP Page Builder 3.x is now fully compatible with 4SEF. Now, you can use the extension with both SP Page Builder Pro & Lite to generate SEF URLs for pages of your site.
Article Addon Gets Modified Date Option
After this update, you can now add the time your article was last modified. Simply choose your Articles Addon and go to Settings > Options and enable Show Last Modified Date. Upon enabling the option you can also input the latest modified date text manually in the given field.
Separate Field to Add Video Title for Improved Accessibility
Previously, our Video addon didn’t have a separate field to add alternative text to your videos. This created accessibility issues for some of you. In this new update, a new separate field has been added to let you add your alternative video text to improve video accessibility. You can access the new field from the Video Addon General settings, just below the YouTube or Vimeo Video URL field.
Fixes and Improvements
Apart from emphasizing new addition and improvements, this update also rounds up significant bug fixes. Previously in Tabs and Accordion addons, the Form Builder addon’s email sending and selecting type had issues working properly. This has now been taken care of. Also, the hitch concerning the abnormal behavior of the Carousel Pro addon upon window resizing has also been sorted out.
Over to you. Update your SP Page Builder 3 to this latest version now to enjoy the mentioned improvements and let us know if the issues you have been facing have been addressed.