It’s update’o’clock for SP LMS users! 

Good day, Joomlers! If you’ve built an LMS site using our very own SP LMS Joomla extension, then you’re in luck! Today, we are bringing you another update that mostly focuses on bug fixes and improvements to make your experience with SP LMS even more amazing. 

Let’s have a look at the changelog to see what this update brings to us. 

SP LMS v4.06 Changelog:

  • New: Option to display course sub-category 
  • Fix: Wrong time was showing for event and event details on front-end
  • Fix: Price was not updating for events if its previous value was 0
  • Fix: Default values were saved if the date-time field were empty in events

Display Sub-Category Courses

In this update, we have added a “Show Sub-Category” option in the course settings (In Menu). If you enable the Sub-Category option, it will show the courses of both the parent category and its subcategory on the Front-End Courses page. 

Please note it’s only applicable to a single category. If multiple categories are selected from the dropdown then it will not work.

Apart from this, the update also includes some fixes to the existing features. Please go through the changelog once again to see if the issues you’ve been facing have been resolved. 

Let us know in the comments what other bugs are still bothering you.


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