Hola, Joomlers! Curtains have already been lifted on your much-awaited SP Page Builder 4 and here we are, knocking at your door, with a brand new update! That’s right, we are rolling out this update this week to ensure you a better and more stable journey with your favorite drag and drop tool!

This update is about two newly added features and a few improvements over the existing ones to enable you to build your dream site smoothly. ​​For a better understanding of this update in SP Page Builder 4, check out the full changelog below.

SP Page Builder v4.0.2 Changelog:

  • New: Added the Show Tags option to enable/disable tags in the Articles addon
  • New: Added inline alignment toggle option
  • Update: Added Attachment upload option inside the SP Page Builder Buttons
  • Fix: Addons were not disabled in the editor responsive preview
  • Fix: Ripple effect was missing in the Modal addon
  • Fix: Articles addon Article Category could not be selected by default
  • Fix: Nested row duplication and deletion issue
  • Fix: SVG and WebP image thumb-related issue
  • Fix: Testimonial addon alignment and PHP notice issue in preview
  • Fix: A tag ending was missing in the Image addon
  • Fix: Form Builder addon button padding style only applied when size was set to custom
  • Fix: Addon interaction timeline Context Menu click was not working
  • Fix: Text Block addon’s content typography changed with title typography in preview
  • Fix: Child addon drag issue in deeply nested addons when you open the deeply nested addon settings
  • Fix: Failed to create or edit SPPB page when Multilingual plugin was enabled

What’s New in SP Page Builder 4.0.2?

For the Article addon, you can now enable or disable your article tags and decide whether you want to display the tags in your articles.

Previously, for the addon’s alignment option, there was no toggle button to undo the alignment. After this update, you get the inline alignment toggle option. 

Previously, you could only add links in a Button. After today’s update, you can now upload attachments as well inside your SP Page Builder Buttons.

Miscellaneous Fixes

You can already guess from the changelog that this update has numerous improvements and fixes. Some of the notable fixes include the issue of duplicating nested rows and deleting them. Another issue was addressed in the case of image addon. Previously, the image used in the image addon would become hyperlinked. This issue has now been taken care of as well. Also, you can now create or edit the SP Page Builder page after the Multilingual plugin has been enabled.

Over to you. Update your SP Page Builder 4 to the latest version now to enjoy the fixes and improvements and let us know if the issues you have been facing have been addressed.

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