Category Uncategorized

Joomla 3.9.25 Release

Joomla 3.9.25 is now available. This is a security release for the 3.x series of Joomla which addresses 9 security vulnerabilities and contains more than 40 bug fixes and improvements. What’s in 3.9.25? Joomla 3.9.25 includes 9 security vulnerability fixes…

Modules Nowhere


Sat 20 Feb 2021 Unlike many other CMS that are page based, Joomla is much more dynamic with everything based on the menu item. When you select a menu item Joomla decides which view to display, which blocks to display…

Joomla 4: HTML Email templating


Continuing our series introducing new features you’ll find in Joomla 4, this month we look at the improved email template system that allows you to override system email messages, as well as creating HTML templates on your site. In the…

Thank you Harald Leithner!


Joomla exists thanks to the dedication of its volunteers. In this article we would like to express our gratitude and respect to Harald Leithner who served for long time as Release Leader for the Joomla 3.9.x series. Harald has served…