Have you been looking for the right template to create your food blog or recipe website? Look no further, as we are introducing Gourmand, a fully responsive, feature-rich, and beautifully designed Joomla template for food and recipes related websites. Showcase your culinary skills online with aesthetically designed pages to impress food lovers.

Gourmand comes with a couple of home variations, ready pages, and more to cater to the needs of cooking studios, food blogs, restaurants, chefs, and anyone with an interest to promote food businesses online. Discuss food, nutrition, health benefits of different food items, share recipes, and do so much more.

  • 2 Niche-specific home layouts
  • Aesthetically designed for food business niches
  • Rich recipe listing with multiple categories
  • Showcase recipe methods, ingredients, and more in details
  • Monetize with decent ad placements
  • Earn affiliate income with recipe books
  • A food blog for discussion, tutorials, and guidelines
  • RTL ready
  • Awesome animation on different pages
  • Built-in pages for quicker site launch
  • Helix Ultimate and SP Page Builder Pro
  • Regular update & dedicated Support

Gourmand Features and Functionalities

Gourmand comes with plenty of features and functionalities to launch and run a successful food blog or recipe website. Let’s take a look at what’s inside Gourmand in more detail.

2 Niche-Specific Home Variations

Get 2 different home variations for your food blog and food and recipe-related businesses. Each of these whole layouts comes with different types of hero sections, elements, and content to present recipe and food discussions smartly.

  1. Food Blog: Welcome visitors with a wonderful hero section with a nice slider. Have food reviews and present the chef nicely. Place feature posts, display recipe books, and do many more.
  2. Recipe Catalogue: Feature food recipe on your website hero section. Let people explore recipes by rich categories, showcase the latest food review articles, hand-picked reviews, special items. And ads on the home page.

Aesthetically Designed for Food Businesses

Having food art in mind, we designed Gourmand in a way that presents your food items aesthetically. Attract your visitors with the tasty display of your food. Have a clean and niche specifically designed to showcase food items. Get excellent color combination, typography, and element selection for your food blog and recipe website.

Showcase Recipes in a Categorized Directory

Get a well-organized recipe directory. You can list recipes in different categories for visitors to find their favorite recipes easily. Let visitors filter recipes by different categories, types, and more. Present listed items with rich images for a better impression. Have required time, difficulty level, and more with each item.

Display Mouth-Watering Recipes in Details

Gourmand gives you an elegant recipe detail page to showcase everything about the recipe. Have a rich hero section, detailed instruction, ingredients, and more to present with your food recipe. Include all ingredients of your recipe with the right amount and talk about the cooking process in easy steps.

Monetize Recipe Site With Ads

Recipe sites and food blogs have huge monetization opportunities. Gourmand template lets you show ad units in different places on your website. You can display ads on your blog, recipe directory page, and more. Ensure site monetization with display and AdSense ads. Also, customize ad size and design with SP Page Builder.

Showcase Recipe Books & Earn Affiliate Income

Display different recipe books and sell them online for extra income. Also, you can showcase recipes and relevant cooking books with links from different eCommerce sites and earn affiliate income. Gourmand makes it easy for recipe websites with dedicated pages. Have books in styled grid display and create a great impression

Foods and Recipe Blog

Publish recipe articles, cooking tips, and tricks, food reviews, nutrition guidelines, or any other food-related posts. Let visitors have ideas about your recipe and help get tasty and healthy food suggestions on your blog. Discuss foods, health, and cover different food-related topics. Also, get a wonderful blog single page with the related post at the bottom

Ready Pages for Quick Launch

The Gourmand Joomla template comes with a wide range of built-in pages that you can use to launch a complete recipe blog and catalog website in the least possible time.

  • About: Tell your visitors about your food business. Have a visually rich hero section, stats, and kitchen gallery on your about page. Showcase mission & vision and many more.
  • Contact: Let your visitors contact you on a nicely designed contact page. Visitors get different CTAs that they can use to generate leads or contact information on chefs and support staff.
  • Registration: Simplify the online registration process for your website visitors with the help of self-explanatory form fields.
  • 404: You can redirect your website visitors to this readymade 404 page for nonexistence links.

Isn’t Gourmand the right Joomla template for your next food business site? I hope it is. It has everything you need to create and run a successful food blog and recipe business. So, what are you waiting for? Get the Gourmand Joomla template and create your dream food blog or recipe business site quickly!

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